Friday, February 6, 2009


I just beat Skate 2. I got it about 2 weeks ago, and It has been sucking my life away ever since. I don't get it, I love a game with a story, and that is one thing that Skate 2 lacks, a real story. But for whatever reason, nothing really gets my blood pumping quite like racing down the street going 30 mph on a skateboard, poppin' a Nolie 360 Shuvit 360 into a Crooked grind. I love sports games. Extreme sports games are no exception, and Skate and Skate 2 are definitely the cream of the crop when it comes to the extreme sports genre. If you haven't played it, I would totally suggest it, it is definitely the best game I have played in a long time.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to playing Skate 2 now, because I'm sure Jordan will be wanting to get it from me in the next few days and tear up the streets of San Vanelona.

Just thought you all might like to know what I've been up to recently.

Get Money, Get Paid.



  1. Awesome post man! You're great, By far my favorite of the Save & Quit contributors.

  2. Jarad, you know when you leave S&Q logged in, we can tell that it's someone from the blog. We are not impressed....
