Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Starcraft II Beta Sign Up

OMG I cannot believe I am writing this post right now!

Yes you read the title correctly this is now an official Starcraft II Beta Sign Up on Blizzard's website right now.

I'm not going to write anything else because I know no one has read this far and that they are signing up right now.

Thank you Blizzard,
I take back everything bad I ever said about you.

Get Money, Get Paid


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Starcraft II Battle Report

Okay, I'll admit it, I was just part of one of the geekiest things I have ever seen. Jordan, Patrick, and myself just watched two guys play an alpha build of Starcraft II... for twenty minutes.

The sad part is I liked it, a lot. And will probably watch it again.

In case you weren't aware Starcraft II IS WITHOUT A DOUBT going to be the greatest game ever. This video further promotes this FACT. Seeing the new troops in action, their new abilities, and the kickass new 3dness of this badass game makes me want this game more than anything I have ever wanted, ever.

To truly realize the awesomeness that is Starcraft II you must watch this video now.

If you want someone to watch it with call me I will watch it anytime anywhere.

And if you are Blizzard I will do terrible terrible things if you let me play the alpha or beta versions of this game, terrible things.

Get Money, Get Paid


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

F.E.A.R. 2

Cutest advertising campaign EVER!

That is all,

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Friday, February 6, 2009


I just beat Skate 2. I got it about 2 weeks ago, and It has been sucking my life away ever since. I don't get it, I love a game with a story, and that is one thing that Skate 2 lacks, a real story. But for whatever reason, nothing really gets my blood pumping quite like racing down the street going 30 mph on a skateboard, poppin' a Nolie 360 Shuvit 360 into a Crooked grind. I love sports games. Extreme sports games are no exception, and Skate and Skate 2 are definitely the cream of the crop when it comes to the extreme sports genre. If you haven't played it, I would totally suggest it, it is definitely the best game I have played in a long time.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to playing Skate 2 now, because I'm sure Jordan will be wanting to get it from me in the next few days and tear up the streets of San Vanelona.

Just thought you all might like to know what I've been up to recently.

Get Money, Get Paid.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Resident Evil 5

The demo is live on PSN!!!!!

Thundercats are gooooooooooooooooooo!

Playstation Blog

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Monday, February 2, 2009

E3 is back!

Kotaku is reporting that E3 is back and almost as big as ever. Attendance is expected to be ten times what is was last year and there are already double the amount of vendor booths there used to be.

The biggest and bestest reinstatement is that of the booth babes. For too long games have been presented to the public by fat sweaty guys in ties. Back are the days of half naked DOA girls and well half naked girls in general.

The increase in vendor turn out also means more trailers and demos for us to drool over while we wait for developers to stop dragging their feet and PUT STARCRAFT II OUT ALREADY!

June 2-4 – Prepare yourselves.

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P.S. Anyone else about piss themselves when they saw the new Star Trek trailer during the Super Bowl?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"I've got some good news, and some baaad news...

...regarding Final Fantasy XIII."
Jordan Gouge, Save & Quit Crew, 2009

That was a quote... from me. I just said it about 26 seconds ago.

Since we only have about 3 readers (not including crew), I will make the decision to just deal you the bad news first. I know it may be hard, but it'll make the second half of this entry even better than you could have imagined!

Today on heavyweight gaming news blog Kotaku, Square-Enix big-man Yoichi "Imperial Hot" Wada was quoted saying that Final Fantasy XIII and it's PS3-exclusive counterpart Final Fantasy Versus XIII will not be seen in America and Europe until at LEAST 2010. AT LEAST!

Kotaku.com writer Luke Plunkett said, "Or, in a way I can put it to maximize disappointment, over a year away."

He's absolutely correct. Unless these two make it out in the first 2 weeks of 2010 (which I don't see happening, as no one's quite crazy enough to release a blockbuster like that right after the annual holiday spend-a-thon), then this game will not come out for MORE THAN A YEEEAAAARRR!!! If you're like me, then you've been following this game for years already, and the thought of another whole year is just unbearable. Although, in the long run, I guess what's another year?

The delay is mostly due to the port of the English version to the Xbox 360. In Japan, where about 7 people own Xbox 360s, both games will remain PS3 exclusives. For the American/European version, the game is being ported to the Microsoft system. Since Square has never ported a Final Fantasy game before, and they are waiting until the English version is COMPLETELY finished and dubbed before even beginning the porting process, the game will take several additional months to be released in America.

That shit pisses me off. I'm not a TOTAL fanboi. I have the PS3 AND the XB360...... but COME THE FUCK ON!!!! That just pushed one of my favorite games back almost 6 months! BAH! What is that? Microsoft has weasled it's way in to yet another exclusive. I know that system exclusives are on their way out the window due to how much it costs to develop a game for these current-gen systems, but the ones that are there sort of work. If Sony squeezed their way in for Gears of War 3 or Halo 4, XB fanbois would be freaking the fuck out! It's just surprising, and sort of a downer.

HOWEVER- I promised good news about FFXIII as well, and I will not disappoint! The newest playable character coming our way in FFXIII is this chocobo-loving Tim Meadows/Ladies Man impersonator named Sazh Kalzroy! The title of this kotaku.com article is good enough for me. "... a Fabulous Afro". Genius headlining!

This man will make this game fantastic. The Kotaku article states that Sazh is the first playable African-American character in the series since Barret Wallace from FFVII. The author of this article seems to hope that he is slightly less stereotypical than Barret... I hope that he's ridiculously stereotypical. I would laugh my ass off if he pops out with a chocobo flying out of his "fabulous afro" and sounds like Mr. T.

I don't forsee that happening... Oh well. I guess it doesn't matter. I'll probably have forgotten what I wanted out of this game by the time it comes out, anyway...
